Decision Journal
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Occasional news about our product, company, and team.

Add Decisions from Your Calendar

Today, we’re excited to announce our new calendar integration, now live on both our web and mobile apps.

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Decision Journal now on the web!

When Decision Journal was first launched, we wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to capture their decisions in the moment. Naturally, this led us to developing a mobile app. Mobile apps allow for quick and easy capture because they are on our phones, which are almost always on us.

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New Features — Editing Decisions and Reviews and Email Notifications

One of the design choices we made for Decision Journal was to prevent the editing of entries after they’ve been added. We made this choice because we wanted to force everyone to be honest with themselves when making a decision or reviewing a decision and not succumb to hindsight bias and be tempted to edit prior thinking. This, of course, is one of the primary reasons for keeping a decision journal in the first place, to avoid hindsight bias and honestly review our past thinking. Therefore it was an important feature to add into the app.

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New Feature — Analyzing Decisions

One of the main benefits of having a decision journal is to improve your decision making ability. In order to do that, however, you need to be able to identify patterns of errors or mistakes in your decision making. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of a new set of features for helping you analyze your decision making.

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Introducing Decision Journal

Make better decisions.

A decision journal is a simple, yet effective tool. It helps us to avoid hindsight bias, recognize patterns of mistakes in our decision making, and provide accurate and honest feedback on the decisions we make.

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